How cryptography works
Process flowchart of Cryptography with example
Navdeep Singh Mangat (with team PROMOT)
Flow Chart: Cryptography Process
1. Start
- Begin the cryptographic process.
2. Plaintext Message
- Input the original message, e.g., "Hello, World!"
3. Encryption Algorithm
- Select the encryption algorithm (e.g., AES, RSA).
4. Key Generation
- Generate or input the encryption key (e.g., a secret key for AES).
5. Encryption Process
- Encrypt the plaintext using the encryption algorithm and key.
- Result: Ciphertext (e.g., "U2FsdGVkX1+K3VZ8l/5F8w==")
6. Ciphertext
- Output the encrypted message.
7. Transmission
- Transmit the ciphertext securely over the network.
8. Reception
- Receive the ciphertext at the recipient's end.
9. Decryption Algorithm
- Select the decryption algorithm (matching the encryption algorithm).
10. Key for Decryption
- Use the same key (or a corresponding key in case of asymmetric encryption) for decryption.
11. Decryption Process
- Decrypt the ciphertext using the decryption algorithm and key.
- Result: Original plaintext message (e.g., "Hello, World!")
12. Plaintext Output
- Output the decrypted message.
13. End
- End the cryptographic process.
Example Flow Chart Description
1. Start
- Initiate the process.
2. Plaintext Message
- "Hello, World!"
3. Encryption Algorithm
- AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
4. Key Generation
- Secret Key: "mySecretKey123"
5. Encryption Process
- Encrypt "Hello, World!" using AES and "mySecretKey123".
- Ciphertext: "U2FsdGVkX1+K3VZ8l/5F8w=="
6. Ciphertext
- "U2FsdGVkX1+K3VZ8l/5F8w=="
7. Transmission
- Send the ciphertext over the network.
8. Reception
- Receive the ciphertext "U2FsdGVkX1+K3VZ8l/5F8w==".
9. Decryption Algorithm
10. Key for Decryption
- Secret Key: "mySecretKey123"
11. Decryption Process
- Decrypt "U2FsdGVkX1+K3VZ8l/5F8w==" using AES and "mySecretKey123".
- Plaintext: "Hello, World!"
12. Plaintext Output
- "Hello, World!"
13. End
- Process complete.
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