Business Process Management

An example of BPM&N implementation

8/1/20242 min read

person working on blue and white paper on board
person working on blue and white paper on board

Implementation of BPM Solutions in a Manufacturing Company


XYZ Manufacturing (name changed to maintain the privacy of the client), a mid-sized company specialising in electronic components, faced challenges with inefficiencies in its production and supply chain processes. Delays in production, high defect rates, and inventory mismanagement were impacting profitability and customer satisfaction. XYZ Manufacturing engaged Promot Technologies to streamline their operations through Business Process Management (BPM).

Step-by-Step Implementation

1. Process Identification

- Our Approach: We conducted a comprehensive audit of XYZ Manufacturing’s current processes, mapping out each step of the production and supply chain workflows using BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation).

- Key Findings:

- Redundant steps in the production line.

- Lack of synchronisation between inventory management and production schedules.

- High defect rates due to inconsistent quality control measures.

2. Setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

- Our Approach: We collaborated with XYZ Manufacturing to define KPIs that aligned with their business goals.

- Selected KPIs:

- Production cycle time: Target reduction by 20%.

- Defect rate: Target reduction to below 2%.

- Inventory turnover ratio: Target increase by 15%.

3. Creating Dashboards

- Our Approach: We designed and implemented real-time dashboards using Tableau to visualize the KPIs and other critical data.

- Dashboard Features:

- Real-time production status.

- Quality control metrics.

- Inventory levels and turnover rates.

4. Implementing BPM Techniques

- Lean Six Sigma:

- Action: Applied Lean Six Sigma to eliminate waste and reduce variation in the production process.

- Outcome: Streamlined production steps, reducing cycle time by 22%.

- Total Quality Management (TQM):

- Action: Embedded TQM principles to enhance quality control.

- Outcome: Reduced defect rates to 1.8%, exceeding the target.

- Automation:

- Action: Implemented Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for inventory management.

- Outcome: Improved synchronisation between inventory and production, increasing inventory turnover ratio by 18%.

5. Continuous Improvement

- Our Approach: Established a cycle of continuous monitoring and optimisation, using the dashboards to track performance and identify further improvement opportunities.

- Outcome: Sustained operational efficiency and adapted processes to evolving business needs.


- Improved Efficiency: The production cycle time was reduced by 22%, exceeding the initial target of 20%.

- Enhanced Quality: The defect rate was reduced to 1.8%, surpassing the target of 2%.

- Optimised Inventory Management: The inventory turnover ratio increased by 18%, above the target of 15%.

- Cost Savings: XYZ Manufacturing saved approximately $500,000 annually through reduced waste, improved quality, and optimised inventory management.


By leveraging Promot Technologies' BPM solutions, XYZ Manufacturing transformed its operations, achieving significant improvements in efficiency, quality, and inventory management. Our expertise in process identification, KPI setting, dashboard creation, and continuous improvement enabled XYZ Manufacturing to enhance its competitiveness and profitability.

For more information or to discuss how our BPM solutions can benefit your business, contact us today. Promot Technologies – Driving Innovation in Business.